Residential Services and Gardens

Most gardens/backyards require high maintenance and present an ongoing challenge of weed removal and watering. Green admiral can help you remove invasive species, reduce maintenance needs, and conserve water through careful preparation, selection of native species, and planting.

The garden featured here is an example of an area reserved for natural native species. It is easy to maintain because most weeds cannot grow under the thick canopy created by the shrubs. It also looks good year round with a broad range of flowering and fruiting times. In winter, Anna’s hummingbirds nectar on the yellow Oregon grape or white salal flowers.

In February/March Indian plum is in flower followed by pink salmonberry flowers then red-flowering currant. Then we see the blue spring azure butterfly laying her eggs on the long cream-coloured fronds of oceanspray.

There are various berries for birds mostly from late spring through to late summer but the hungry thrush can always find something, even in winter.

Total amount of maintenance on this patch last year – 0. Total amount of time spent watering – 0.

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